His kingdom come begins within.
We believe God calls His church to listen to Him and listen to one another — across ethnic and social differences. In turn, greater empathy and prayer for the things that divide us can help unite even further. Altar experiences integrate present social issues with Biblical ideas, helping others engage with current events with organized demonstrations. We are embodying this practice through hosting two types of modern-day altars: The Wall and Prayer Rooms.
Our Altars
The Wall
In every community there are places that represent historic or present day pain and promise. These painful places could be streets notorious for being a racial or socioeconomic dividing line, or a spot where a recent incident of violence has taken place. We call these “altars of pain.” As a movement, we want to redeem these places into “altars of promise.” Through our public demonstration called The Wall, we turn these locations into altars of God’s presence.
Prayer Rooms
Meant to be a place of learning and healing, our Prayer Rooms are self-guided yet immersive places that can be hosted anywhere and by anyone wanting to create a space for lament, healing, listening, and collective prayer. In these contemplative spaces, neighbors, friends, family, and strangers are invited to participate in different stations to read Scripture, view curated images and graphics of historical references, and more to engage in meaningful and spiritual work.
Altar Your City
Want to saturate your neighborhoods in prayer? We have an app for that.